Welcome to SERPENTI

You are the red snake, and you try to survive. Your nemesis is a team of three blue snakes. You have to destroy your enemy in order to progress to the next level. You are able to create extra lives.


  • Use the arrow-keys on your keyboard to control the active red snake
  • If you need a break, you may press the P-key on your keyboard
    • To resume the game, press P again

Game characters

There are several different types of characters in the game:

  • Snakes - the main actors
  • Eggs - that the snakes can lay in certain conditions
  • Frog - a joker actor that loves eating eggs, but which snakes also love to eat in turn


Snakes are the main actors in this game.

  • Snakes are coming out of their dens one by one
  • Snakes can have at minimum 2 elements and at maximum 7 elements
  • Snakes from the blue team may slide on top of each other without collision
    • They may go head-on in opposing directions
    • They may also slide on top of each other
  • Snakes from the opposing team eat each other if they collide


The snakes are also capable of laying eggs.

  • The eggs are laid from the tail side of the snake, and has the same color as the parent snake
  • You can observe the pregnancy progress on the tail element
    • The red snake is becoming pregnant all the time
    • The blue snakes are becoming pregnant only when their number is less than three
  • The eggs may be consumed by any snake from the opposing team


Once in a while, a green frog appears in the maze.

  • The frog hops randomly on the maze, however it loves to eat snake eggs
  • However, when there is an egg, the frog is gradually hopping towards the egg with the goal of eating it by landing on it
  • Both red and blue snakes may consume the frog


The goal is to eat all the blue snakes. The main strategy is to become longer and to avoid colliding head-to-head with blue snakes equal in length or longer than the red snake.

  • Chase the longer blue snakes from the tail, because the red snake is slightly faster
  • In order to grow, eat the frog or any blue snake eggs if it's safe to do so
  • If you can, protect your egg from blue snakes or from the frog, both of which would very much like to eat it
  • In order to increment your lives between rounds, avoid winning the round if your egg isn't yet laid or you're not just about to